Workshops and Meetings
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For the years between 1944 to 1961 the "Vortragsbücher" are the only written testimony of scientific activity here at Oberwolfach. Since 1961 there are also the Workshop Reports. They, too, contain short abstracts of the given talks - in typewritten form. While these proceedings were at first only meant for internal documentation, they soon developed into a journal-like publication, which was released weekly and sent to roughly 300 of the most important mathematical institutes and departments around the world. In the year 2004 the "Tagungsberichte" have been converted into a new publication: the "Oberwolfach Reports (OWR)". These reports continue the Workshop Reports in printed and electronic form, although the abstracts in the reports are noticeably longer than in the "Tagungsberichte". They are released quarterly in cooperation with the EMS Press. For further information please see Oberwolfach Reports.
ODA comprises the workshop reports from 1949 to 1998. From 1999 to the present the reports can be found here: [Annual Schedules]